前回エントリで紹介したAdrien Bilal(スタンフォード大)とDiego R. Känzig(ノースウエスタン大)は、昨年5月にも気候変動に関する表題のNBER論文(原題は「The Macroeconomic Impact of Climate Change: Global vs. Local Temperature」)を上げており、BilalのHPによると各メディアで取り上げられるなどの話題を呼んだらしい。
This paper estimates that the macroeconomic damages from climate change are six times larger than previously thought. Exploiting natural global temperature variability, we find that 1°C warming reduces world GDP by 12%. Global temperature correlates strongly with extreme climatic events, unlike country-level temperature used in previous work, explaining our larger estimate. We use this evidence to estimate damage functions in a neoclassical growth model. Business-as-usual warming implies a 25% present welfare loss and a Social Cost of Carbon of $1,367 per ton. These impacts suggest that unilateral decarbonization policy is cost-effective for large countries such as the United States.
Local temperature shocks lead to an increase in the share of extreme heat and drought days. However, global temperature shocks lead to a substantially larger increase in these extremes. Our extreme heat and drought indices have a baseline probability of 0.05 and 0.25 in 1950-1980, respectively. Thus, a 1°C global temperature shock correlates with a five-fold rise in the frequency of extreme heat and a 15% increase of the frequency of drought, an order of magnitude more than for local temperature shocks. The contrast is even starker for extreme precipitation and extreme wind speed: global temperature shocks predict a large increase in their frequency, while local temperature shocks have no significant effect. We construct the extreme precipitation and wind index to have a baseline probability of 0.01 in 1950-1980. Thus, a 1°C global temperature shock correlates with an increase of the frequency of extreme precipitation of over 50% and extreme wind of about 40%.