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というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「The Political Economy of Geoeconomic Power」で、著者はChristopher Clayton(イェール大)、Matteo Maggiori(スタンフォード大)、Jesse Schreger(コロンビア大)。

Great powers are increasingly using their economic and financial strength for geopolitical aims. This rise of "geoeconomics" has the potential to reshape the international trade and financial system. This paper examines the role of domestic political economy forces in determining a government's ability to project geoeconomic power abroad. We also discuss the role that persuading or coercing foreign governments plays in projecting geoeconomic power around the world.


The world has seen a stunning rise in the willingness of great powers to use their trade and financial relationships for geopolitical ends. This rise of “Geoeconomics” has the potential to reshape the international trade and financial system. Geoeconomic policies include not only sanctions but also the strategic use of export controls, efforts to reshape supply chains for security purposes, the provision of foreign aid to secure political alignment, and the encouragement or pressure on domestic and foreign firms to alter their business relationships. While the foundation of a nation’s geoeconomic power is its economic strength, size and connections alone do not automatically translate into geoeconomic power. Instead, governments seeking to project geoeconomic power abroad need to be able to credibly co-opt or coerce their domestic firms and citizens, and perhaps critical foreign allies, to take part in this power projection. Achieving this involves navigating a range of political economy constraints at home, including legal restrictions, domestic political objectives, interest groups and other forces that limit a government’s ability to exert its influence. An important question for geoeconomic power projection is how far a government can push its own firms or allies to act against their private interests in pursuit of the country’s geopolitical goals.

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