という趣旨のNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエン、ungated(SSRN)版)。論文のタイトルは「One Cohort at a Time: A New Perspective on the Declining Gender Pay Gap」で、著者はJaime Arellano-Bover(イェール大)、NicolaBianchi(ノースウエスタン大)、Salvatore Lattanzio(イタリア銀行)、Matteo Paradisi(エイナウディ経済金融研究所*1)。
Our examination of the evolution of the gender pay gap over the past four decades reveals a complex story marked by both progress and weakening in worker conditions. The conventional wisdom attributes the steep narrowing of the gender pay gap observed between the 1970s and 1990s to substantial improvements in women’s earnings and labor market outcomes. A halt in such improvements is then generally considered to be the primary reason behind the more recent slowdown in the closing of the gender gap. Instead, our research suggests that both the decline and the halt in the convergence of the gender pay gap are linked to a worsening in the careers of younger workers, particularly younger men, who have faced widening age pay gaps, lower promotion rates, and declining lifetime earnings.
To explore these dynamics, we developed a conceptual framework linking an increased supply of older workers in higher-paying jobs to a smaller gender pay gap among younger workers. Consistent with the importance of cross-cohort effects, we show that the entirety of the decline in the gender pay gap can be attributed to newer cohorts who entered the labor market with smaller gender differentials and to older cohorts who exited the labor market with larger differentials.
Importantly, our study challenges the assumption that the decline in the gender pay gap primarily reflects improved opportunities for women. Instead, we argue that the aging of the workforce has disproportionately and negatively affected younger men because, at baseline, they were more likely to find employment in the type of jobs occupied by an increasing stock of older workers. The data confirm that it was a significant decline in opportunities for younger men, rather than substantial gains for younger women, that drove the convergence in labor-market outcomes that occurred in the 1970s through the mid-1990s. After this point, the remaining gender gap at labor-market entry reflected mostly gender differences in educational choices, rather than differences in initial job allocations. Therefore, further increases in the number of older workers has continued to create bottlenecks to the careers of all younger workers, but not differentially between men and women.
In conclusion, our findings paint a nuanced picture of the dynamics of the gender pay gap. Despite the many prior policies that intended to boost women’s position in the wage distribution, our findings caution against interpreting the progressive shrinkage of the gender pay gap as a sign of improved opportunities for women. The design of future gender-responsive policies should strongly consider the outcomes of younger women at or immediately after labor-market entry, because those outcomes represent a largely untapped source for improving gender equality.