というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエン、ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「The Macroeconomics of Narratives」で、著者はJoel P. Flynn(イェール大)、Karthik Sastry(プリンストン大)*1。
This paper studies the macroeconomic implications of contagious narratives. We develop a conceptual framework in which narratives form building blocks of agents’ beliefs, affect agents’ decisions, and spread contagiously and associatively between agents. We develop a narrative business-cycle model and find that narratives can generate non-fundamentally driven boom-bust cycles and hysteresis. To take this model to the data, we measure narratives among US firms. We find that contagious and associative narrative optimism affects firms’ decisions and beliefs without representing news about fundamentals. When we calibrate the model to match the data, we find that the business-cycle implications of narratives are quantitatively significant: measured declines in optimism account for approximately 32% of the peak-to-trough decline in output over the early 2000s recession and 18% over the Great Recession. Finally, we show that the interaction of many simultaneously evolving and highly contagious narratives, some of which are individually prone to hysteresis, can nevertheless underlie stable fluctuations in emergent optimism and output. Taken together, our analysis shows that narratives may be a significant cause of the business cycle.
*1:注意循環 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文の著者に同じ。
*2:論文冒頭ではナラティブを「we define narratives as subjective and potentially incorrect models of the world. By altering beliefs, narratives influence economic actions such as hiring.」と定義・説明し、その淵源は少なくともケインズの一般理論における、「自発的な楽観主義(spontaneous optimism)」の波が生成する景気循環まで遡れる、としている。
*3:感染性と連想性について論文では、前注のようにナラティブを定義した直後に、以下のように説明している。「we allow narratives to gain or lose prevalence over time for two distinct reasons: direct feedback from their prevalence, as in epidemiological models, and indirect feedback from the economic activity that narratives induce, as in models of learning. We refer to these forces as contagiousness and associativeness, respectively.」
*4:本文によると、年次報告書(end-of-year 10-K reports)と決算説明(earnings conference calls)を用いたとの由。
*5:本文では「narrative hysteresis」を「history determines whether the economy is optimistic and high-output or pessimistic and low-output」と説明している。