というNBER論文をスティグリッツらが上げている(Oxford Review of Economic Policy掲載版)。原題は「Post-Neoliberal Globalization: International Trade Rules for Global Prosperity」で、著者はMartin M. Guzman(コロンビア大)、Joseph E. Stiglitz(同)。
This paper analyzes frameworks for the design of the rules for international trading, assuming that it is possible to have some rule of law. In the Arrow-Debreu benchmark, where there is no economic power and political power is seemingly irrelevant, there is no need for trade agreements – free trade is the optimal policy for each country. But under even minimal deviations from that benchmark, trade agreements matter. We focus on environments in which there are market failures, technology is endogenous, and there is political power. Power dynamics play, for instance, a critical role in the design, implementation, and enforcement of agreements, with the latter being a critical difference between international agreements and domestic contracts and a key determinant of the feasibility and consequences of agreements. With endogenous technology, trade rules proscribing industrial policies may lead to lower growth and greater cross-country inequalities. Finally, we develop a framework which may be useful in the design and implementation of trade rules.
(a) Industrial policies are permissible, and especially so in addressing a global public good, like climate change; and these industrial policies can include those that affect trade directly.
(b) Advanced countries engaging in industrial policies share the knowledge gained with developing countries, especially in areas pertaining to global public goods (such as addressing climate change) and health. This sharing entails not just the passive allowing of the use of intellectual property, but active technological transfer and assistance in increasing technological capacity.
(c) There is a sharing of the rents achieved by multinational corporations, at a minimum through systems of fair global taxation (discussed further below).
(d) Failure on the part of advanced countries to implement and enforce appropriate competition policies can provide the justification for countervailing duties (discussed further below).
(e) If the developed countries provide industrial subsidies, they provide incremental assistance for similar purposes for developing countries.
(f) Narrow ‘green’ trade agreements (as opposed to the broad comprehensive trade agreements of the past) that incentivize developing countries and emerging markets to move forward in the green transition (by enhanced trade opportunities for green products), and preserve their ecological heritage (providing carbon storage and biodiversity for the whole world) while making it more productive.
(a) 産業政策は許容される。気候変動のようなグローバルな公共財に対処する場合は特にそうである。そうした産業政策には、貿易に直接影響するものも含まれ得る。
(b) 産業政策を行う先進国は、得られた知識を発展途上国と分かち合う。特に、(気候変動のような)グローバルな公共財や健康に関係する領域においてそのような共有を行う。この共有は、知的財産権の利用の認可という消極的なものに留まらず、技術的能力を高めるための積極的な技術移転と援助を伴うものとする。
(c) 多国籍企業が得たレントを、最低限、公正なグローバルな税制を通じて、共有する(詳細は後述)。
(d) 適切な競争政策の導入と執行に先進国側が失敗することは、それを相殺する義務を正当化する(詳細は後述)。
(e) 先進国が産業補助金を提供する場合、発展途上国における同様の目的への援助を増やす。
(f) (過去の幅広い包括的な貿易協定ではなく)狭い「グリーンな」貿易協定は、(グリーン製品の貿易機会を増やすことによって)発展途上国と新興国のグリーンへの移行を促し、環境財産の保持するとともに、生産力を向上させる。
*1:本文では「For instance, some analyses fail to take fully into account the fact that, unlike the case of domestic contracts, there is no global government to enforce such agreements. (Even when the WTO’s Appellate Body was functioning effectively, it had no powers of enforcement; it could approve the imposition of retaliatory sanctions, but in many cases, these were a very ineffective enforcement mechanism and would hurt the country imposing them more than the country upon which they were imposed.) In such a world, economic theory has to focus both on the writing of agreements and their enforcement.」と述べている。