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関税で所得税を置き換える、というトランプ案について、クルーグマンが実際に必要になる関税率をツイッター弾き解説している(H/T タイラー・コーエン)。

This was a bit cryptic, so a quick explanation 1/

Trump has reportedly floated the idea of replacing income taxes with tariffs. I’ll have to write this up in detail, but my first-pass estimate is that this would require an *average* tariff rate of 133 percent.

Imports are about 14 percent of US GDP. Federal income tax revenue (not including payroll taxes) is about 8 %. So you might think replacing it would require a tariff rate of 8/14 or around 57 percent. But ... 2/
Tariffs would raise the cost of imports to consumers, so we'd import less, which would mean you need a higher tariff rate. But this reduces imports further, meaning a still higher tariff, and so on 3/
How high you have to go in the end depends on how much prices affect import demand — the elasticity. I assume an elasticity of 1, which is what you sometimes get for the medium run, although the long run is probably higher (which makes it worse) 4/
With an elasticity of 1, the estimate looks like this:
t*14/(1+t) = 8
Work this through, and the tariff rate is 8/6 = 1.33, that is, 133 percent. With a higher elasticity, it would go higher, maybe to infinity 5/
So how is it that in the 19th century the federal government largely paid its way with tariffs? Because back then the government was much, much smaller. Believing that we can go back to those days is just ignorant 6/


t*14/(1+t) = 8 *1
では、19世紀の連邦政府が大部分を関税で賄ったというのはどういうことか? その訳は、当時は政府がずっとずっと小さかったのだ。往時に戻れると信じるのは、単なる無知である。


Trump's proposal to replace income tax revenue with revenue from tariffs would be the worst macroeconomic policy proposal in U.S. history.
Trump's proposal has the potential to do enormous damage to the competitiveness of every US exporter, to do huge damage to all kinds of workers who use imported goods in what their businesses produce. It could create a downward spiral as much higher prices for everything we import means consumers have less to spend on everything else.


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