というブルッキングス研究所の論考をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Democracy is good for the economy. Can business defend it?」で、著者は同研究所のVanessa Williamson。
Whether its genesis is slow and quiet or sudden and violent, rising autocracy threatens the most fundamental values of free people, including their rights of liberty and self-determination. Alongside the political and indeed moral implications of democratic erosion, there are economic consequences. U.S. democracy has declined in recent years, and additional erosion is possible. This paper assesses the material consequences of democratic decline and considers the role of business in preserving democratic functioning in the United States.
Democracy is a strong driver of a healthy economy. Economists have found that democratization causes an increase in GDP per capita of between 20% and 25%. Conversely, there is also indisputable evidence of the economic costs of democratic decline. These costs include stagnation, policy instability, cronyism, brain drain, and violence. Under autocratic regimes, businesses face new risks, as autocrats refashion markets to reinforce their political dominance. Common consequences are retaliatory and punitive applications of taxation, regulation, and licensure; discriminatory access to government contracts and public services; and extortionary demands for political contributions. The economic risks of autocracy are clear.
Equally clear is the vital role of business in the development of democracy. The decisions made by conservative, business-oriented parties about how to respond to the far right have been not just significant but decisive in the consolidation or failure of democracies in Europe, scholars argue.
In principle, these two factors—the economic value of democracy and the power of business—bode well for democratic resilience in the United States. But this optimistic scenario only holds if business, first, recognizes the economic dangers of democratic erosion and, second, organizes effectively in response. Historically, and to their lasting cost, business leaders have underestimated the consequences of promoting political leaders uncommitted to democratic norms. Moreover, the contemporary organization of corporate interests in the United States leaves business more poorly positioned to influence politics than one might expect. This paper concludes with recommendations for how business can overcome these challenges and encourage political stability and economic growth.
この後、論考では、「Democracy leads to economic growth」「Instability, cronyism, and brain drain in Orban’s Hungary」「Violence, poverty, and stagnation in the “Jim Crow” South」「Seven kinds of business at highest risk*1」「The role of business in the preservation of democracy」という小題の下でそれぞれのテーマについての研究をサーベイし、最後に、企業リーダーの教育と業界団体の再生という2つの提言を行っている。