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というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Inflation Preferences」で、著者はHassan Afrouzi(コロンビア大)、Alexander Dietrich(デンマーク国立銀行)、Kristian Myrseth(ヨーク大)、Romanos Priftis(ECB)、Raphael Schoenle(ブランダイス大)。

We document novel survey-based facts on preferred long-run inflation rates among U.S. consumers. Consumers on average prefer a 0.20% annual inflation rate, considerably below the Federal Reserve’s 2% target. Inflation preferences not only correlate with demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, but also with economic reasoning. A randomized control trial reveals that two narratives based on economic models—describing how inflation lowers the real value of wages as well as money holdings—affect inflation preferences. While our results can inform the design of central bank communication on inflation targets, they also raise questions about the alignment between such targets and consumer preferences.




  1. Friedman: You don’t earn interest on your cash at home and only little interest on money in your checking account. But if goods and services become more expensive over time (inflation), your cash becomes less valuable. Hence, lower inflation can be beneficial when you hold cash.
  2. ELB: When prices increase over time (inflation), interest rates tend to be high. But in times of economic crisis, lower interest rates are needed to the boost the economy. Higher inflation, therefore, gives central banks more opportunities to lower interest rates and help the economy to recover.
  3. Labor Market: In times of crisis, it is sometimes necessary for firms to reduce wages in order to keep people employed. But if they cannot cut wages, they might fire employees instead. Higher inflation reduces wages implicitly. Thus, firms are not forced to reduce wages explicitly or fire workers in times of crisis.
  4. Wage Inflation: When prices increase over time (inflation), worker’s wages may not immediately adjust in proportion. Inflation, therefore, affects the amount of goods and services that workers can buy with their wages. By keeping inflation low, workers can buy a similar amount of goods and services over time.
  5. Asset Inflation: When prices increase over time (inflation), the dollar value of your assets (such as real estate, retirement savings, stocks, bonds and so on) may not immediately adjust in proportion. Inflation, therefore, affects the amount of goods and services that you can buy with your assets. By keeping inflation low, you can buy a similar amount of goods and services with your assets over time.



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