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というECB論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Dominant currency pricing in international trade of services」で、著者はJoão Amador(ポルトガル銀行)、Joana Garcia(同)、Arnaud Mehl(ECB)、Martin Schmitz(同)。

We analyze, for the first time, how firms choose the currency in which they price transactions in international trade of services and investigate, using direct evidence, whether the US dollar (USD) plays a dominant role in services trade. Drawing on a new granular dataset on extra-European Union exports of Portuguese firms broken down by currency, we show that currency choices in services trade are active firm-level decisions. Firms that are larger and rely more on inputs priced in foreign currencies are less likely to use the domestic currency to export services. Importantly, we show that the USD has a dominant role as a vehicle currency in trade of services– but to a lesser extent than in trade of goods– and that this is not just due to differences in the geography of trade. An external validity test based on macro data available for Portugal and six other European countries confirms this finding. In line with predictions from recent theoretical models, our results are consistent with the lower prevalence of USD in services trade arising from a lower openness of services markets and a stronger reliance of services on domestic inputs.


*2:本文では「Importantly, we provide evidence that allows to refute that differences in the geography of trade between services and goods simply explain our findings. First, we rule out compositional effects, that is that differences in the use of currencies reflect differences in trade partners in services vs. goods trade. In addition, we show that our findings are not explained by higher shares of intra-EU trade in services relative to goods– a feature which coupled with the existence of fixed costs of using multiple currencies, could explain a lower prevalence of the USD in extra-EU trade. We show that intra-EU trade shares are, in fact, higher for goods than for services in our sample of countries– perhaps because of stronger presence of intra-EU production chains in goods relative to services.」と説明している。


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