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I thought it was a bad idea to seize Russian reserves before the US congress had voted on the Ukraine package. It gave too easy a way to Congress to vote no and pass the buck. Now that they have voted, it is hard to think of good reasons not to seize. Yes, it will create a precedent: Countries will know that if they go to war against a country or a friend of a country where they have reserves, they will likely lose them. So what?

Discussing the seizing of Russian reserves is entering troll city. What strikes me however is a fundamental difference of opinion. I think that we, the western economies, are, by proxy, at war with Russia. Most of the trolls do not or pretend we are not.

On Russian reserves. To answer some of the reasonable objections:
I am not very worried about precedent. I think the contingency is well defined. If you engage in physical war, then you are at risk.
Holding dollar or euro reserves does not imply holding them in the US or in Europe. Countries can hold them in friendly countries.
Were some countries to reduce their dollar or their euro holdings, it would indeed have some effect on the dollar. This does not strike me as catastrophic.
If you worry about tit for tat, the tit has already happened, even before the tat. Many foreign companies have had to sell their Russian operations at basement prices.

これに対しGuntram Wolff*1が次のように反論した。

Disagree with you Olivier. 1) expropriation without legal base weakens trust in legal system, 2) contingency not well defined at all. Lot's of (hybrid) wars around. Always risk of expropriation? 3) who judges on war legitimacy? e. g. Iraq? 4) why take away negotiating asset now?
オリビエ、貴兄の意見に反対だ。1) 法的根拠なしに没収することは法体系への信頼を弱める。2) 条件はまったくもってきちんと定義されていない。(ハイブリッド)戦争は多々起きている。常に没収リスクがあるということか? 3) 戦争の正当性を誰が判断するのか? 例えばイラク戦争は? 4) 交渉材料の資産をなぜ今取り上げる?


Guntram: One can indeed argue each of these four points. On legality. The discussion raises a much larger issue, the rules of the game when the old rules are violated. What is then legal which was illegal previously. What new game is played. Not just wars, but tariffs, subsidies, etc… Likely to be the main issue for years to come.
ガントラム、確かにその4点はそれぞれ論点となり得る。合法性について言えば、その議論はより大きな問題を提起する。古いルールが破られた時のゲームのルールの問題だ。その場合、以前は違法だったが今や合法となるものは何か? 我々はどんな新たなゲームをプレイしているのか? 戦争についてだけでなく、関税や補助金などでも当てはまる話で、今後何年も主要な論題となるだろう。


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