というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエン、ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Does the Gender Wage Gap Actually Reflect Taste Discrimination Against Women?」で、著者はMolly Maloney(UCアーバイン)、David Neumark(同)。
In this paper, we construct an entirely novel measure of misogyny based on Google search interest in misogynistic terms used to describe women, and present evidence that this measure captures true distaste for women. In addition to our measure of misogyny, we also construct a measure of gender norms based on survey responses regarding the role of men and women in society. We test for taste-related discrimination by estimating whether misogyny helps explain the gender wage gap.
Given that we find such evidence, we also test the predictions of both the Becker and Black models of taste discrimination in the context of the gender wage gap, based on the misogyny index. Finally, we examine the relationships between this index, as well as our measure of normative sexism, and various labor market outcomes that can influence wages.
Quite surprisingly, we find that misogyny is strongly related to the residual wage gap, and this is true even accounting for gender norms. It is also an important determinant of other labor market indicators including the probability that women aged 20 to 40 remain unmarried, the age at which women have their first child, college degree attainment, and the gender gap in full-time employment. While subtle discrimination against or underestimation of women may be unsurprising in the workplace, this misogyny measure is intended to capture outright disdain for or dislike of women. Its relationship with the wage gap implies that a much more overt kind of discrimination is acting against women in the labor market. Moreover, the impact of misogynistic discrimination against women on factors that affect wages, such as educational attainment and labor market participation, implies that estimates of the impact of discrimination on the residual wage gap understate the problem.
We also use the measure of misogyny to test the predictions of two variants of models of employer taste discrimination: the original Becker model of discrimination (1957) and Black’s (1995) search model of discrimination. We find evidence consistent with Black’s search model, and show that the data is inconsistent with Becker-type models.
This paper highlights that even accounting for gender norms, distaste for women is an important predictor of the gender wage gap. This type of sexism reflects more than subtle or implicit bias against women, as the measure we construct and analyze reflects language that is related to anger and contempt toward women. In our view, then, this paper provides evidence that the gender wage gap cannot be waved away as merely reflecting women’s choices, gender norms, or subtle discrimination against women. Nor, to the extent it reflects discrimination, does it reflect only statistical discrimination. Instead, misogyny appears to play an important and previously unmeasured role in determining the wage gap between women and men.
ungated版では「This paper contains some explicit language used to describe women. This language reflects words searched by Google users, and search interest in these words is used by the authors to measure misogyny. Explicit use of the words appears on p. 11 and in some tables and figures.」という警告が書かれており、Neumarkのungated版へのリンクでも「Uncensored version/contains offensive language」という注意書きが添えられている。
*3:本文では「Even accounting for differences in human capital accumulation and other observable differences between women and men, a wage gap persists. This residual wage gap is the portion we consider to be potentially due to discrimination.」と説明している。
*4:本文では、marginal discriminator(支配的な賃金で雇うことについて男女に無差別な雇用者)が賃金格差の説明要因として強くないこと、フルタイムで働く女性の割合が増えるにつれ賃金格差が縮小していることを、ベッカーと不整合でブラックと整合する結果として挙げている。