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というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエンungated版)。原題は「The Long-run Effects of Transportation Productivity on the US Economy」で、著者はA. Kerem Coşar(バージニア大)、Sophie Osotimehin(ケベック大学モントリオール校)、Latchezar Popov(テキサス工科大)。

We propose a model with sectoral and spatial linkages to study the effects of transportation productivity changes. Using the model, we quantify the aggregate welfare gains from higher transportation productivity observed in the US over 1947-2017 and we study the determinants of its regional and sectoral gross output effects. We find that the welfare gain is more than two times larger than what is implied by the transportation sector’s share in the economy. Both the aggregate and the granular effects crucially depend on the structure of sectoral linkages. The findings point to the critical role of the transportation sector for the economy and suggest notable welfare losses should productivity growth in the transportation sector fall behind other sectors. The implications of such changes would be more pronounced for countries less far along their structural change path, with higher shares in agriculture, mining and manufacturing than the US. They also be more pronounced starting from much higher levels of transportation costs.
We view our results as a lower bound on the contribution of the transportation sector to growth. Several factors could magnify its role: first, given its focus on transportation multifactor productivity, our analysis does not account for the improvement in energy efficiency and other innovations in transportation equipment. In addition, we have restricted our attention to freight and hence do not include the implications of lower costs of passenger transportation, which can contribute to growth by improving labor mobility, facilitating commuting and stimulating the tourism industry. Future research that assesses the contributions of improved equipment and higher passenger mobility would be of great interest.

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