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というNBER論文が上がっているungated(SSRN)版スライド資料へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Granular Treasury Demand with Arbitrageurs」で、著者はKristy A.E. Jansen、Wenhao Li、Lukas Schmid(いずれも南カリフォルニア大)。

We construct a novel dataset of sector-level U.S. Treasury holdings, covering the majority of the market. Using this dataset, we estimate maturity-specific demand functions and elasticities of different investors and the Fed, and integrate them into a dynamic equilibrium model of the Treasury market with risk-averse arbitrageurs. Quantifying the model reveals that (1) strong arbitrage leads to an elastic Treasury market and a steeply downward-sloping term structure of market elasticity; (2) monetary tightening raises term premia due to arbitrageurs interacting with investors exhibiting high cross-elasticities; (3) QE has limited impact unless the Fed credibly commits to sustained balance sheet expansion.
我々は、市場の大部分をカバーする米国債保有の部門レベルの新たなデータセットを構築した*1。このデータセットを用いて我々は、各種投資家とFRBの期間別の需要関数と弾力性を推計し、それらをリスク回避的な裁定取引者のいる国債市場の動学的均衡モデルで統合した。モデルの定量化により、次のことが明らかになった。(1) 強力な裁定は、弾力的な国債市場と、市場の弾力性の急な右肩下がりの期間構造をもたらす*2。(2) 金融引き締めは、裁定取引者が、高い交差弾力性*3を示す投資家と相互作用することにより、期間プレミアムを引き上げる*4。(3) QEFRBが信頼できる形で持続的なバランスシート拡大にコミットしない限り影響が限られる。

需給と金利の期間構造 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文でも、国債市場における期間別の取引者や裁定取引者という構造がモデル化され、QEとの関係も論じられていたが、今後QEの効果を論じる上ではそうした国債市場のマーケットマイクロストラクチャーの分析が欠かせなくなっていくのかもしれない。

*1:本文では「As a first step, we create a rich novel dataset on Treasury holdings at the maturity bucket level across a wide range of institutions, such as insurance companies, mutual funds, broker-dealers, foreign investors, and the Fed, among others. Our dataset covers close to 80% of the total Treasury amount outstanding at any given point in time over the 2011Q4-2022Q4 period. We classify granular-demand investors as commercial banks, insurance companies and pension funds (ICPFs), money market funds (MMFs), mutual funds, foreign officials, and foreign private investors, while the arbitrageurs in our setting are the broker-dealers and hedge funds, mainly for two reasons: First, as shown by Hanson and Stein (2015) and Du et al. (2023b), broker-dealers and hedge funds behave as the opposite of yield-seeking investors, accommodating flows from the rest of the market. Second, broker-dealers and hedge funds generally have better access to a wider range of trading instruments and platforms, allowing them to deploy sophisticated arbitrage strategies.」と説明している。

*2:本文では「First, the Treasury market is elastic because arbitrageurs exhibit low estimated risk aversion that significantly weakens demand impact. The strength of arbitrage is heterogeneous, stronger at shorter maturities because of lower risks, leading to a downward-sloping term structure of market elasticity. 」と説明している。

*3:交差弾力性 - Wikipedia

*4:本文では「Second, term premia rise in response to a monetary policy tightening, since granular-demand investors exhibit high estimated cross-elasticities and rebalance towards higher yielding short-term Treasuries and reduce long-term bond positions accordingly, forcing arbitrageurs to absorb more risks and increase term premia.」と説明している。

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