というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「On the Limits of Chronological Age」で、著者はRainer Kotschy(ハーバード大)、David E. Bloom(同)、Andrew J. Scott(ロンドンビジネススクール)。
Analysis of population aging is typically framed in terms of chronological age. However, chronological age itself is not necessarily deeply informative about the aging process. This paper reviews literature and conducts empirical analyses aimed at investigating whether chronological age is a reliable proxy for physiological functioning when used in models of economic behavior and outcomes. We show that chronological age is an unreliable proxy for physiological functioning due to appreciable differences in how aging unfolds across people, health domains, and over time. We further demonstrate that chronological age either fails to predict economic variables when used in lieu of physiological functioning, or that it predicts additional effects on economic behavior and outcomes that are largely unrelated to physiological aging. Continued reliance on chronological age as a proxy for physiological functioning might impede the ability of societies to fully harness the benefits of increasing longevity.
ungated版が掲載されているサイトの紹介記事Old Enough to Know Better, Young Enough to Do It Anyway? | CESifoでは、冒頭で以下のように暦年齢にこだわる社会のあり方を描写している。
We are pretty fixated with the number that represents our age. As we move from the proud “already” that accompanies the early years (“two and can already count to ten!”) to the relieved “still” that accompanies the latter ones (“90 and can still go up and down stairs!), through the minimum age for driving, drinking, voting, becoming president of the US and so on. Not to mention dating sites: there, chronological age and looks are the strongest yardsticks.
本文の冒頭では、 暦年齢で捉えた高齢化の例として日本が挙げられている。即ち、国連報告によると、1950年には年齢の中央値が21.2歳だったが、2020年には48.0歳で、2050年には53.6歳になると予想されている。また、65歳以上の比率は1950年は4.9%だったが、2020年は29.6%で、2050年には37.5%になると予想されている。