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というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Central Bank Information or Neo-Fisher Effect?」で、著者はコロンビア大のStephanie Schmitt-GrohéとMartín Uribe。

The neo-Fisher effect and the central bank information (CBI) effect produce similar outcomes: under both, a monetary tightening triggers an increase in inflation and an expansion in real activity. Separate estimates of these effects run the risk of confounding one with the other. To disentangle these two channels, we introduce into a new-Keynesian model a permanent monetary shock that generates neo-Fisher effects and an aggregate demand shock to which the central bank responds that creates CBI effects. We estimate the model on U.S. data. We find that the neo-Fisherian shock is an important driver of inflation, while the CBI shock explains a significant fraction of movements in the nominal interest rate. The CBI shock explains little of inflation and output, but, through counterfactual exercises, we establish that this reflects the central bank's success in isolating the economy from aggregate demand disturbances. These results are shown to hold under full and imperfect information.

著者のうちUribeはこれまで米国と日本の新フィッシャー効果 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文や、2022年のAEJ論文The Neo-Fisher Effect: Econometric Evidence from Empirical and Optimizing Models - American Economic Associationungated版など関連資料へのリンクがある著者のページ)でも新フィッシャー効果を分析している。


We construct a model with nominal and real rigidities driven by permanent and transitory monetary shocks, two preference shocks, and permanent and transitory productivity shocks. To create a central bank information channel, we assume an augmented Taylor rule whereby the central bank responds directly to one of the preference shocks in addition to the output gap and inflation. To create a neo-Fisher effect, we assume that the Taylor rule is also buffeted by permanent monetary shocks in addition to standard transitory monetary shocks.
We examine two polar information structures: in one, private agents observe all shocks individually, while in the other, agents observe only the sum of the two preference shocks and the stochastic component of the Taylor rule, but not the individual shocks that comprise them.

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