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というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Deficits and Inflation: HANK meets FTPL」で、著者はGeorge-Marios Angeletos(ノースウエスタン大)、Chen Lian(UCバークレー)、Christian K. Wolf(MIT)。

In HANK models, fiscal deficits drive aggregate demand and thus inflation because households are non-Ricardian; in the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level (FTPL), they instead do so via equilibrium selection. Because of this difference, the mapping from deficits to inflation in HANK is robust to active monetary policy and free of the controversies surrounding the FTPL. Despite this difference, a benchmark HANK model with sufficiently slow fiscal adjustment predicts just as much inflation as the FTPL. This is true even in the simplest FTPL scenario, in which deficits are financed entirely by inflation and debt erosion. In practice, however, unfunded deficits are likely to trigger a persistent boom in real economic activity and thus the tax base, substituting for debt erosion. In our quantitative explorations, this reduces the inflationary effects of unfunded deficits by about half relative to that simple FTPL arithmetic.

著者たちは財政赤字は自らを賄えるか? - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文(9月にEconometricaに掲載)に同じ。折しも日本では基礎控除等引き上げによる減税案とそれによる7兆~8兆円程度の国と地方の減収が話題になっているが、そうした財政赤字が経済活動の活発化を通じてどの程度自らを賄うかについては、今やオールドケインジアンの枠内の知見を超えて主流派の経済学でも研究が進んでいることはもっと知られても良いような気がする。

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