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というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Optimal Dynamic Asset Allocation with Transaction Costs: The Role of Hedging Demands」で、著者はPierre Collin-Dufresne(スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校)、Kent D. Daniel(コロンビア大)、Mehmet Sağlam(プリンストン大)。

A number of papers have solved for the optimal dynamic portfolio strategy when expected returns are time-varying and trading is costly, but only for agents with myopic utility. Non-myopic agents benefit from hedging against future shocks to the investment opportunity set even when transaction costs are zero (Merton, 1969, 1971). In this paper, we propose a solution to the dynamic portfolio allocation problem for non-myopic agents faced with a stochastic investment opportunity set when trading is costly. We show that the agent’s optimal policy is to trade toward an “aim” portfolio, the makeup of which depends both on transaction costs and on each asset’s correlation with changes in the investment opportunity set. The speed at which the agent should trade towards the aim portfolio depends both on the shock’s persistence and on the extent to which the shock can be effectively hedged. We illustrate the differences in portfolio makeup that result from considering hedging demands of a long-horizon investor using a set of simplified examples, and using a daily trading strategy based on the estimated relation between retail order imbalance and future returns.


In the presence of time-varying expected returns, long-term investors with CARA utility who ignore trading costs deviate from the conditional mean-variance efficient portfolio to hedge against the negative impact of the time variation in expected returns on the marginal utility of the investor. In the recent literature, the dynamic trading policy based on conditional mean-variance preferences that incorporates transaction costs has been very popular. Surprisingly, this trading policy has no hedging component. We propose a set of preferences based on stochastic differential utility with source-dependent risk-aversion, which nest the widely used conditional mean-variance and CARA utility.
We derive an explicit solution for the portfolio choice problem in the presence of quadratic t-costs with arbitrary number of stocks and predictability in returns in terms of an optimal aim portfolio and trading speed. We show that, for a non-myopic CARA investor, the hedging demand has large effect on optimal aim portfolio and trading speed, especially when the correlation between stock return and predictor is negative. In a realistic calibration where we utilize the retail order imbalance as a predictor at the stock-level, we find that hedging demands significantly affect strategy performance.

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