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というNBER論文(原題は「Natural and Neutral Real Interest Rates: Past and Future」)をピーターソン研究所のモーリス・オブズフェルド(Maurice Obstfeld)が上げているungated版とプレゼン資料へのリンクがあるIMFコンファレンスのページ*1)。

This paper surveys the decline in real interest rates in advanced and emerging economies over the past several decades, linking that process to a range of global factors that have operated with different force in different periods. The paper argues that estimates of long-run equilibrium real rates (r̄) may not always furnish an accurate guide to the rate appropriate for short-term monetary policy (r*). It argues further that effective monetary should consider not only equilibrium in the market for domestic goods, but also the current account balance, financial conditions (including capital flows), and imperfect policy credibility. Equilibrium long-term real interest rates have risen recently according to market indicators. However, the main underlying factors that have pushed real interest rates down since the 1980s and 1990s – notably demographic shifts, lower productivity growth, corporate market power, and safe asset demand relative to supply – do not appear poised to reverse strongly enough to drive a big and durable rise in global real interest rates over the coming years. Low equilibrium interest rates may well continue periodically to bedevil monetary policy and financial stability.

サマーズ対ブランシャール:今後の金利を巡る議論 - himaginary’s diary長期停滞は終わらない - himaginary’s diaryでは今後の金利の行方を巡るサマーズとブランシャールの見通しの違いを紹介したが、この論文でオブズフェルドはブランシャール側に立っており、論文の最後の方で、「I end up pitching my tent closer to Blanchard’s camp than to Summers’s」と明言している。

*1:cf. 半年前の論文とプレゼン資料へのリンクがあるアジア金融政策フォーラムのサイト

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