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というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Movements in Yields, not the Equity Premium: Bernanke-Kuttner Redux」で、著者はStefan Nagel(シカゴ大)、Zhengyang Xu(香港城市大)。

We show that the stock market price reaction to monetary policy surprises upon announcements of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is explained mostly by changes in the default-free term structure of yields, not by changes in the equity premium. We reach this conclusion based on a new model-free method that uses dividend futures prices to obtain the counterfactual stock market index price change that results purely from the change in the default-free yield curve induced by the monetary policy surprise. The yield curve change in turn partly reflects a change in expected future short-term interest rates, as measured by changes in professional forecasts, and partly a change in the term premium. We further find that the even/odd week FOMC cycle in stock index returns is also largely due to an FOMC cycle in the yield curve rather than the equity premium.

タイトルのバーナンキ=カトナーは Bernanke and Kuttner (2005) *1を指す。この論文では、株価は主にエクイティプレミアムの変化によってFRBの声明に反応することが示されたが、今回の論文では、当時利用可能でなかった配当先物価格というデータを用いて、その結論を引っ繰り返したとの由。

株式リターンの偶奇数週のFOMCサイクルというのは Cieslak et al. (2019) *2で報告されている事象で、同論文のWPから該当の図を引用すると以下のようになる。


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