というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Dynamic Identification in VARs」で、著者はPaul Beaudry(ブリティッシュコロンビア大)、Fabrice Collard(トゥールーズ経済学院)、Patrick Fève(同)、Alain Guay(ケベック大学モントリオール校)、Franck Portier(ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン)。
In this paper, we have shown that one can identify structural shocks in a SVAR under the identifying assumption that the economy shares the dynamic structure of the vast majority of DSGE models. To put it loosely, if the economy is moved by exogenous variables that follow mutually orthogonal AR(1) processes (or more general specification of the autoregressive matrix), then a D-SVAR will allow for the identification of structural shocks, without the need for zero-impact, long-run or sign restrictions. We have given a formal proof for identification and have shown how to conduct estimation and inference with D-SVAR. We have then applied our methodology to uncover the effects of monetary policy shocks, and shown that D-SVAR give results in line with the most prominent approaches in SVAR the literature, namely proxy-VAR as in Gertler and Karadi [2015] and zero impact restrictions as in Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans [1999], although the Gertler and Karadi’s [2015] monetary policy shock cannot be easily thought as a structural shock in a DSGE model.
*1:cf. Monetary Policy Surprises, Credit Costs, and Economic Activity - American Economic Association。
*2:proxyないし外的操作変数(external instrument)を使うやり方との由。本文では「Such an approach avoid imposing timing restrictions on both the behavior and the impact of the policy rate. The instrumental variable needs to satisfy two assumptions to identify a given structural shock: i) the instrument must be relevant, i.e. the contemporaneous correlation between the structural shock and the external instrument must be non-zero; ii) the instrument must be exogenous, i.e. the instrument must be uncorrelated with the other structural shocks. According to Gertler and Karadi [2015], an advantage of proxy VARs is that it does not impose a special organization (and thus restrictions) of the loading matrix F. This is also the case in our D-SVAR, and it is therefore interesting to compare the two approaches.」と記述されている。ガートラー=カラディ[2015]が外的操作変数として使ったのは「the surprise in the three month ahead futures rate」とのこと。
*4:本文では「This exercise shows that the D-SVAR recovers a shock that is quite similar to the Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans’s [1999] monetary policy one, although there is a more pronounced “price puzzle”. It also shows that the Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans’s [1999] zero restrictions, which have been criticised as often not compatible with a DSGE model (e.g. Uhlig [2005]), are not rejected by our D-SVAR.」と記述されている(Uhlig [2005]はこれ[WP])。