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ブランシャール「We'll always have centrists」



1/9. Last tweet thread in the trilogy (FN, NFP, now Ensemble). Then, I intend to take a break.😃
I am struck by the prevalence of the following argument: If you reject the RN, you must vote NFP. As if there was no alternative. There is obviously one, voting for one of the center parties, be it Ensemble, or the LR who did not join the RN, or the “divers gauches” who did not join the NFP.
2. I shall focus on the economic program of Ensemble, although I feel more sympathy for the “divers gauches”. I am also struck by the depth of the dislike for the President himself but suspect that this dislike largely exceeds the dislike for a centrist program. It would be a shame if the dislike for the man led to a dislike for the center.
3. Compared to the promises of RN and NFP, the economic program of Ensemble is excessively modest. Among the measures: An increase in the ceiling for the prime Macron, up to 10,000 euros. A modest increase in teachers’ salaries, a small reduction in inheritance taxes.
4. There are good reasons for this modesty. First, the awareness that the deficit is too large to start (more on this below), so this is not the time to go big on spending, except for defense and the fight against global warming. Second, as the party in power, it proposes to continue in the same general direction, and the new measures are marginal ones. Thus, in contrast to the other two, it can be judged on what it has done, more than what it promises.
5. The general philosophy has been clear, increasing purchasing power through increased participation and higher productivity growth.
This has led to a number of reforms, from the more generous impot credit-recherche to stimulate R&D, to measures to increase apprenticeships and vocational training, to reductions in class size, to the retirement reforms, to a leading role on a minimum tax on multinationals.
6. Have all these measures been designed in the best way? Probably not. Retirement reform has been much criticized (and I would have much preferred a reform along the lines suggested by Laurent Berger, or in our report with Jean Tirole), but anybody who is intellectually honest must accept the notion that demographic evolutions imply that the effective age of retirement had to increase.
7. Have the reforms and the results been up to expectations? Probably not. But the situation is far from the catastrophic one painted by RN or NFP. Some basic numbers: Between 2017 and 2023, the PIB has increased by 7.4%, compared to 5.1% in Germany. The employment rate has increased from 65% to 68.5%, although it remains much lower than in Germany (77.3%). The standard measure of inequality, the Gini coefficient is the same as it was in 2017. The measures taken to limit the impact of Covid, and then later, to limit the increase higher energy prices have resulted in lower inflation in France than in the euro zone. France is seen more favorably by foreign firms as a place to invest.
8. True, debt has increased, from 89% of GDP to 103% of GDP in 2023, reflecting in good part le “quoi qu’il en coute” in the face of Covid and the war in Ukraine. This increase was justified. What is not justified however and exposes the government to serious criticism is the remaining budget deficit, which has increased (leaving out interest payments) from 1.9% in 2017 to 3.4% this year and makes for difficult choices looking forward. (Neither the RN nor NFP are addressing the issue).
9. Do some of us want more reforms? I do. Jean Tirole, Dani Rodrik, and I for example indicated some directions of reform to deal with inequality in our report to the President. They are ambitious, but I believe them to be more realistic than what is offered by the NFP. For this reason, I shall vote for the center, hoping for a broader coalition of the center parties than we have had, more humility, more concertation, and a move in that direction.
これらすべての政策は最善の形で設計されただろうか? おそらくそうではない。年金制度改革は多くの批判を浴びたが(私もローラン・ベルジェ*6、ないしジャン・ティロールとの我々の共同レポート*7が提示した線に沿った改革の方がもっと良かったと思う)、知的に誠実な者ならば誰しもが、人口動態の推移によって退職の実効年齢は引き上げられねばならない、という考えを受け入れざるを得ない。
改革とその結果は期待に応えるものだっただろうか? おそらくそうではない。しかし状況は国民連合や新人民戦線が描くような破滅的なものとは程遠い。幾つかの基本的な数字を挙げておこう。2017年から2023年に掛けてGDPは7.4%増加した。ドイツは5.1%である。雇用率は65%から68.5%に増加した。ただしドイツ(77.3%)よりは依然としてかなり低い。格差の標準的な指標であるジニ係数は2017年と同じである。コロナ禍の影響を抑えるため、そしてその後にエネルギー価格上昇を抑えるために採られた政策により、フランスのインフレはユーロ圏よりも低いものとなった。フランスは海外企業に投資先としてより選好されている。
改革をもっと行うべきと考える者はいるだろうか? 私はそう考える。例えばジャン・ティロール、ダニ・ロドリック、そして私は、大統領に提出した我々の報告書において、格差に対処する改革の方向性を幾つか提示した。それらは野心的なものだが、新人民戦線が提示するものよりも現実的なものだと思う。そのため、私は中道派に投票するつもりだ。中道政党がこれまでよりも幅広い連合を形成し、より謙虚になり、より協力して、その方向に動くことを期待して。

*1:cf. Together (coalition) - Wikipedia

*2:cf. 共和党 (フランス 2015-) - Wikipediaフランス保守本流、瓦解の危機 極右パワーに押され マクロン与党大敗の好機生かせず - 産経ニュース

*3:cf.Miscellaneous left - Wikipedia

*4:cf. 物価高騰対策のための購買力確保法が成立(フランス:2022年12月)|労働政策研究・研修機構(JILPT)

*5:cf. Crédit d'impôt recherche — Wikipédia

*6:cf. Laurent Berger - Wikipediaフランス政府、年金改革案の骨子を発表(フランス) | ビジネス短信 ―ジェトロの海外ニュース - ジェトロ

*7:cf. Rapport Blanchard Tirole — WikipédiaThe major future economic challenges, by Olivier Blanchard and Jean Tirole | France StratégieThe report of Major Future Economic Challenges by Olivier Blanchard and Jean Tirole | TSEBlanchard-Tirole report: major future economic challenges – EAEREマクロンがコロナ禍後の社会の課題についてジャン・ティロールとブランシャール率いる独立委員会に委嘱して2021年にまとめたレポートのことだが、内外の経済学者を集めた執筆陣の豪華さが目を引く(ジャン・ティロールとブランシャールは、トマ・ピケティと参加を断ったエステル・デュフロの不参加を残念がっているようだが)。個人的には日本もこのようなレポートをまとめても良いような気がするが、フランス版を率いた2人に相当する幅広い知見と名声と学識を備えた経済学者が<以下略>

*8:cf. quoi qu’il en coûte — Wiktionnaire, le dictionnaire libre

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