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というNBER論文が上がっているungated(シカゴ大)版ungated(ECB)版)。原題は「Household Inflation Expectations: An Overview of Recent Insights for Monetary Policy」で、著者はFrancesco D’Acunto(ジョージタウン大)、Evangelos Charalambakis(ギリシャ銀行)、Dimitris Georgarakos(ECB)、Geoff Kenny(同)、Justus Meyer(同)、Michael Weber(シカゴ大)。

This paper discusses the recent wave of research that has emphasized the importance of measures of consumers’ inflation expectations. In contrast to other measures of expected inflation, such as for experts or financial market participants, consumers’ inflation expectations capture the broader distribution of societal beliefs about inflation. This research has revealed very significant deviations from traditional assumptions about rationality in consumers’ expectations formation. However, households do act on their beliefs about inflation, though in heterogeneous ways that can depart from the predictions of conventional economic models. Recent euro area experiences highlight the importance of tracking the degree of anchoring in consumers’ inflation expectations in a way that considers their inherent complexity, heterogeneity, and subjectivity. On average, consumers’ medium and longer-term expectations deviate noticeably in levels from central bank targets and, in contrast with expert expectations, often co-move more closely with shorter-term inflation news. By stepping up their engagement with the wider public, central banks may be able to influence expectations by building up greater knowledge and trust and thereby support more effective monetary transmission. Communication efforts need to be persistent because central banks must compete with many other demands on consumers’ attention.

Weberのインフレ予想に関する論文は、サーベイ調査ベースの主観的予想が有意義で重要な理由 - himaginary’s diary米経営者のマクロ経済予想 - himaginary’s diaryインフレ予想へのインフレの長期の影響 - himaginary’s diaryまだ知らないことを教えて:低インフレと高インフレ環境での学習 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文も参照(最初の2篇はD’Acuntoも共著している)。中銀と一般の人々とのコミュニケーションについては、himaginaryのブックマーク / 2023年2月17日 - はてなブックマークで間接リンクしたEhrmannの論文も参照。

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