2024 BOJ-IMES Conferenceでのミシェル・ボウマン理事*1の表題の講演(原題は「The Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet as a Monetary Policy Tool: Past Lessons and Future Considerations」)をMostly Economicsが紹介している。
Looking ahead, the FOMC continues to reduce the size of its balance sheet as it seeks to maintain a sufficiently restrictive stance of monetary policy to bring inflation back down to its 2 percent goal. Recently, the FOMC voted to slow the pace of securities runoff by around half beginning in June.15 In its Plans for Reducing the Size of the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet released in May 2022, the FOMC noted that it would eventually slow and then stop securities runoff when reserve balances are somewhat above the levels it judges to be consistent with ample reserves to ensure a smooth transition to ample-reserves levels.16 Aggregate reserve levels currently stand at around the levels at the start of balance sheet runoff in June 2022, and there are still sizable balances in the overnight reverse repurchase agreement (ON RRP) facility. In light of these conditions, I would have supported either waiting to slow the pace of balance sheet runoff to a later point in time or implementing a more tapered slowing in the pace of runoff.17
While it is important to slow the pace of balance sheet runoff as reserves approach ample levels, in my view we are not yet at that point, especially with still sizable take-up at the ON RRP.18 In my view, it is important to continue to reduce the size of the balance sheet to reach ample reserves as soon as possible and while the economy is still strong. Doing so will allow the Federal Reserve to more effectively and credibly use its balance sheet to respond to future economic and financial shocks.
As balance sheet runoff proceeds, however, it will eventually be appropriate to stop runoff as reserves near an ample level. The FOMC will be monitoring money market conditions and related interest rates as it assesses the point at which reserve levels reach ample.19 It will be important to communicate that any future changes to balance sheet runoff do not reflect a change in the FOMC's monetary policy stance. Not effectively communicating this point might cause the public to interpret the endpoint of QT as a signal that the FOMC would decrease the target range for the federal funds rate, thereby causing financial conditions to inappropriately ease.
(Microsoft Edge翻訳を適宜修正)
先行きについて言えば、FOMCは、インフレ率を目標の2%まで引き下げるために金融政策の十分な抑止的なスタンスを維持しようとしており、バランスシートの縮小を続けています。最近、FOMCは、6月から証券の減少ペースを約半分に減速させることを決議しました*3。FOMCは、2022年5月に公表した「連邦準備制度理事会のバランスシート縮小計画」の中で、準備預金残高が十分な準備預金と整合的であるとFOMCが判断する水準をやや上回った時点で、最終的に証券の減少を鈍化させた後に停止し、十分な準備預金水準への円滑な移行を確保すると記しています*4。準備預金総額は現在、2022年6月のバランスシート減少開始時の水準とほぼ同じ水準にあり、翌日物リバースレポ取引(ON RRP)ファシリティにはまだかなりの残高があります。こうした状況を踏まえると、私はバランスシートの減少ペースを鈍化させる時点を遅らせるか、あるいはバランスシートの減少ペースをより緩やかにするか、のいずれかを支持したことでしょう*5。
準備預金が十分水準に近付くにつれてバランスシートの減少ペースを緩めることは重要ですが、私の見解では、特にON RRPでは依然としてかなりの残高があるため、まだその段階には達していません*6。私の考えでは、経済がまだ強いうちに、できるだけ早く十分な準備預金に達するためにバランスシートの規模を縮小し続けることが重要です。そうすることでFRBは、将来の経済・金融ショックに対応するために、バランスシートをより効果的かつ確実に活用することができるようになります。
ちなみに、ここで言う「十分な準備預金(ample reserves)」とは、中銀の準備預金の重要性 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したBOEのPMRRと似た概念と思われる。
*1:cf. Michelle Bowman - Wikipedia。
*2:その際、世界の量的引き締め:我々は何を学んだのか? - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したQEとQTの非対称性の研究についても触れている。
*3:原注:See the May 2024 FOMC statement, which is available on the Board's website at https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomccalendars.htm .
*4:原注:See the Plans for Reducing the Size of the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet, which is available on the Board's website at https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/policy-normalization.htm .
*5:原注:Aggregate reserves stood at around $3.3 trillion just before start of balance sheet runoff in June 2022; see Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2022), Statistical Release H.4.1, "Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks" (June 2).
*6:原注:Because the ON RRP and reserves are both Federal Reserve balance sheet liabilities, a one-for-one decrease in the ON RRP with securities reductions would leave the level of reserves unchanged. To date, securities runoff has largely been matched by a similarly sized reduction in the ON RRP rather than a reduction in reserves, reflecting the ON RRP's role as an excess liquidity absorbing tool during periods of large asset purchases by the central bank.
*7:原注:See Roberto Perli (2024), "Balance Sheet Reduction: Progress to Date and a Look Ahead," speech delivered at 2024 Annual Primary Dealer Meeting, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, May 8.