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というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Global Indeterminacy in HANK Economies」で、著者はSushant Acharya(カナダ銀行)、Jess Benhabib(NYU)。

We show that in Heterogeneous-Agent New-Keynesian (HANK) economies with countercyclical risk the natural interest rate is endogenous and co-moves with output, leaving the economy susceptible to self-fulfilling fluctuations. Unlike in Representative-Agent New-Keynesian models, the Taylor principle is not sufficient to guarantee uniqueness of equilibrium in HANK if risk is even mildly countercyclical. In fact, we prove that multiple bounded-equilibria exist, no matter how strongly monetary policy responds to changes in inflation. Neither inertial rules nor rules which respond to output-gap fluctuations can resolve this indeterminacy. Instead, to implement a unique equilibrium, policy must stabilize endogenous natural rate fluctuations.

Benhabibは、Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé、Martín Uribeとの論文「The Perils of Taylor Rules」*1でも、RANK経済において金利の実効ゼロ下限から生じる複数均衡と全域的な不確定性を示したことがあったが、ここではそれと区別するために金利の実効ゼロ下限は設けていない、と断っている。

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