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というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「There is No Excess Volatility Puzzle」で、著者はAndrew Atkeson(UCLA)、Jonathan Heathcote(ミネアポリス連銀)、Fabrizio Perri(同)。

We present two valuation models that we use to account for the annual data on price per share and dividends per share for the CRSP Value-Weighted Index from 1929-2023. We show that it is a simple matter to account for these data based purely on a model of variation in the expected ratio of dividends per share to aggregate consumption over time under two conditions. First, investors must receive news shocks regarding the expected ratio of dividends per share to aggregate consumption in the long run. Second, the discount rate used to evaluate the impact of this news on the current price per share must be low. We argue that both of these conditions are likely satisfied in the data. Because our valuation model reproduces the data on price per share and dividends per share exactly over this long time period, it also reproduces realized values of returns, dividend growth, the dividend-price ratio, and all Campbell-Shiller-style regression results involving these variables. Thus, we conclude that the answer to Shiller (1981)’s question “Do stock prices move too much to be justified by subsequent movements in dividends?” is No.


We formulate a simple asset pricing model in which stock prices mirror the expected present value of future dividends, discounted at a constant rate. We invert the model to recover shocks to expectations that perfectly replicate the history of price per share for the CRSP Index. If investors discount at a low rate, small news shocks about long run dividends are sufficient to replicate observed price movements. We also show that these expectations appear rational: stock price increases that the model interprets as reflecting higher expected future dividends are in fact followed by subsequent dividend growth. Our model is entirely tractable, thanks to an assumption that the stochastic process for dividends is linear in levels rather than in logs.

長期予想とマクロの変動 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したシュライファーらの研究では、株価の過度のボラティリティを投資家の過剰反応と結び付けていたが、この論文によれば、投資家の低い割引率と配当に関するニュースへの反応を前提とすれば、過剰反応を持ち出すまでもなく、そもそもボラティリティが過度ではないことが説明できる、ということのようである。

*1:cf. これ

*2:cf. これ

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