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というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエンungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Exorbitant Privilege: A Safe-Asset View」で、著者はZhengyang Jiang(ノースウエスタン大)。


In this paper, I study a different aspect of this U.S.-as-the-world’s-banker metaphor. Just as the banks have market power and charge mark-up for their deposits on top of the competitive compensation for risk transformation, the U.S. also enjoys a seigniorage revenue from its provision of global reserve assets. The demand for the U.S. safe assets gives rise to a convenience yield and introduces a wedge in the international risk-sharing condition, which, in the recent literature, has made significant progress in understanding the exchange rate puzzles. As such, this safe-asset view also has the potential to provide a novel and complementary account of the U.S. exorbitant privilege in the international monetary system. I examine this hypothesis in a general equilibrium model of international real business cycles, and report three main results.
The first result concerns the U.S. exorbitant privilege. The demand for U.S. safe assets allows the U.S. to fund its liabilities at lower interest rates, which generates a seigniorage revenue to the U.S. This seigniorage revenue is transferred to the local households, and allows them to run trade deficits. This interpretation of the U.S. exorbitant privilege is different from the insurance-provision view, which regards the U.S. trade deficits as a compensation for providing insurance to the rest of the world and bearing the risk.
Next, I consider the exorbitant privilege’s cyclicality. I assume that the foreign demand for dollar safe assets increases in global recessions, which makes the seigniorage revenue countercyclical. As a result, global recessions raise the U.S. wealth share and consumption share. In stark contrast, under the insurance-provision view, global recessions reduce the U.S. wealth and consumption shares, as the U.S. suffers portfolio losses from insuring the rest of the world. Gourinchas and Rey (2022) refer to these losses as the exorbitant duty of the reserve asset supplier, which requires it to transfer wealth to the rest of the world in global recessions. In my model, while the U.S. still suffers portfolio losses from its external asset positions due to dollar appreciation, the increase in its expected seigniorage revenues more than makes up for its wealth loss. Therefore, under my safe-asset view, the U.S. exorbitant duty could be offset by higher seigniorage revenues in global recessions.
This safe-asset view also ties together other salient features of the reserve currency paradigm. The dollar’s exchange rate appreciates in global recessions, since the foreign demand for U.S. safe assets also bids up the dollar’s value (Jiang, Krishnamurthy, and Lustig, 2021a). This exchange rate response is also consistent with goods market clearing: as the U.S. households receive a higher seigniorage revenue, they become relatively wealthier. With a home bias in consumption, the aggregate demand for the U.S. goods increases in relative terms and generates a countercyclical dollar exchange rate.
Moreover, as the U.S. experiences dollar appreciation and capital inflows, its net foreign assets (NFA) deteriorate in global recessions. In subsequent periods, the seigniorage revenue it earns from the bond convenience yield allows it to pay off its NFA imbalances without having to run trade surpluses, which is consistent with the emphasis on valuation effects in the NFA decomposition (Gourinchas and Rey, 2007b). In comparison, if the exchange rate wedge is driven by intermediation frictions as in Itskhoki and Mukhin (2021) instead of the seigniorage revenue, NFA imbalances have to be paid off by future trade surpluses.
この安全資産見解はまた、準備通貨の枠組みの他の顕著な特徴も結び付ける。ドルは世界不況時に増価するが、それは米国の安全資産への海外需要がドルの価値をも競り上げるためである(Jiang, Krishnamurthy, and Lustig, 2021a*4)。この為替相場の反応は、財市場の清算とも整合的である。即ち、米国の家計が受け取るシニョリッジ収入が増えるため、彼らは相対的に裕福になる。消費のホームバイアスにより、米国の財への総需要は相対的に増加し、反景気循環的なドル相場をもたらす。
また、ドルの上昇と資本の流入が生じるため、米国の対外純資産(NFA)は世界不況時に悪化する。その後は、国債のコンビニエンスイールドから得られるシニョリッジ収入により、米国は貿易黒字を計上する必要無しにNFAの不均衡を清算できる。これはNFA分解において価値の効果を強調した研究と整合的である(Gourinchas and Rey, 2007b*5)。対照的に、もし為替相場のウェッジがシニョリッジ収入ではなくItskhoki and Mukhin (2021*6 ) のような仲介の摩擦によって引き起こされているならば、NFAの不均衡は将来の貿易黒字によって支払われねばならない。

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