以下は、タバロックが紹介したMark Colas(オレゴン大)とDominik Sachs(ザンクトガレン大)によるAEJ論文「The Indirect Fiscal Benefits of Low-Skilled Immigration」(WPへのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)の要旨。
Low-skilled immigrants indirectly affect public finances through their effect on resident wages and labor supply. We operationalize this indirect fiscal effect in a model of immigration and the labor market. We derive closed-form expressions for this effect in terms of estimable statistics. An empirical quantification for the United States reveals an indirect fiscal benefit for one average low-skilled immigrant of roughly $750 annually. The indirect fiscal benefit may outweigh the negative direct fiscal effect that has previously been documented. This challenges the perception of low-skilled immigration as a fiscal burden.
また、タバロックやコーエンの同僚(=ジョージ・メイソン大所属)のMichael Clemensの論文「The Fiscal Effect of Immigration: Reducing Bias in Influential Estimates」の要旨は以下の通り。
Immigration policy can have important net fiscal effects that vary by immigrants' skill level. But mainstream methods to estimate these effects are problematic. Methods based on cashflow accounting offer precision at the cost of bias; methods based on general equilibrium modeling address bias with limited precision and transparency. A simple adjustment greatly reduces bias in the most influential and precise estimates: conservatively accounting for capital taxes paid by the employers of immigrant labor. The adjustment is required by firms' profit-maximizing behavior, unconnected to general equilibrium effects. Adjusted estimates of the positive net fiscal impact of average recent U.S. immigrants rise by a factor of 3.2, with a much shallower education gradient. They are positive even for an average recent immigrant with less than high school education, whose presence causes a present-value subsidy of at least $128,000 to all other taxpayers collectively.
The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration finds that the long-term impact of immigration on the wages and employment of native-born workers overall is very small, and that any negative impacts are most likely to be found for prior immigrants or native-born high school dropouts. First-generation immigrants are more costly to governments than are the native-born, but the second generation are among the strongest fiscal and economic contributors in the U.S. This report concludes that immigration has an overall positive impact on long-run economic growth in the U.S.
ちなみにEcon101で紹介されているノアピニオン氏の5/10付けエントリでも、Colas=SachsやCaiumi=Periの研究*3を引きながら、移民の便益が強調されている。同エントリでは移民のマイナスの影響を示したGeorge Borjasの研究にも触れているが、問題のある研究として一蹴している。ただ、リンクされている以前のエントリ(邦訳)では、同研究の問題点の指摘を紹介しているものの、本ブログではマリエルの件はもうちっとだけ続くんじゃ - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したBorjasによる反論まではカバーしていない。
「The Winners and Losers of Immigration: Evidence from Linked Historical Data」
著者はブリガムヤング大のChristian vom Lehn、Riley Wilson、Joseph Price。
Using recent innovations in linking historical U.S. Census data, we follow nearly 10 million native men over time to understand the impact of immigration on natives from 1910-1930. Exploiting historical immigrant settlement patterns and changes in aggregate immigrant inflows due to global conditions and U.S. policy, we find that natives are more likely to move out of cities that experience increases in immigration. Increased immigration does not significantly affect individual-level incomes on average, but there is substantial heterogeneity. Increased immigration favored older, more-skilled and white workers relative to younger, lower-skilled and non-white individuals. Our results point to evidence of increased labor market competition from immigrants inducing affected workers to move away from their original cities of residence. A large portion of the economic gains observed at the local labor market level are driven by native move-ins to areas receiving new immigrants. Our findings underscore the need to follow individual outcomes over time for a complete understanding of the economic impacts of immigration.
「Immigration and the Wages of Native Workers: Spatial versus Occupational Approaches」
著者はChangHwan Kim(カンザス大)、Arthur Sakamoto(テキサス大*4)。
以下はググって見つけたSociological Focus掲載論文の要旨。
Using data from the Current Population Survey, we study the impact of the increasing proportion of immigrants on the wages of native workers. Two different approaches are contrasted. The most common method has been the spatial approach that uses some geographic unit of analysis to investigate the multivariate association between the proportion of immigrants and the wages of native workers. Previous studies using the spatial approach have generally found little evidence of a significant negative effect. We propose, however, a contrasting method that represents an occupational approach in which occupations are the unit of analysis to investigate the impact of the proportion immigrant. This occupational approach avoids the bias that is inherent in the spatial approach due to the endogenous nature of immigrants' decisions about where to reside and the economic opportunities of local areas. In contrast to the spatial approach, our results using the same data but employing the occupational approach yield consistently negative net effects of the proportion immigrant on the wages of native workers during the period from 1994 to 2006.
*3:本ブログでは移民は高卒以下の給料を引き上げた - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した。