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というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページungated版とスライド資料へのリンクがある別の著者のページ)。原題は「Aggregation, Liquidity, and Asset Prices with Incomplete Markets」で、著者はSebastian Di Tella(スタンフォード大)、Benjamin M. Hébert(同)、Pablo Kurlat(南カリフォルニア大)。

We analytically characterize asset-pricing and consumption behavior in two-account heterogeneous-agent models with aggregate risk. We show that trading frictions can simultaneously explain (1) household-level consumption behavior such as high marginal propensities to consume, (2) a zero-beta rate on equities that satisfies an aggregate consumption Euler equation, (3) a return on safe assets that does not, and (4) a flat securities market line. The return of equities is well explained by aggregate consumption, while the return of safe assets reflects a large and volatile liquidity premium.


  1. 家計レベルの消費行動は、単純なオイラー方程式では上手く説明できない。現金給付については、富裕層においてさえ、家計の消費性向は高い(Johnson et al. (2006)*2; Jappelli and Pistaferri (2010)*3; Kaplan et al. (2014)*4)。しかし株式市場のキャピタルゲインについては、限界消費性向は低い(Chodorow-Reich et al. (2021)*5)。
  2. マクロレベルでは、ゼロベータ率、即ちゼロベータ株式ポートフォリオの条件付き期待リターンについて、単純なオイラー方程式が満たされる(Di Tella et al. (2023)*6)。
  3. マクロの消費は安全利子率ではオイラー方程式を満たさない(Hansen and Singleton (1982)*7)。ゼロベータと安全利子率の間には大きくて変動的なスプレッドがある。
  4. 証券市場線は平均的に平坦である。即ち、ゼロベータポートフォリオのリターンは市場リターンに近い(Black (1972)*8)。


In this paper we show that these facts can be jointly explained by the presence of liquidity frictions: safe assets are liquid and equities are not. “Two-account” models in the style of Kaplan and Violante (2014) propose a precise notion of what liquidity means: there are trading frictions that prevent smooth rebalancing between a liquid and an illiquid account, and all payments must be made out of the liquid account. Kaplan and Violante (2022) show that these liquidity frictions can explain the pattern of household-level asset holdings and marginal propensities to consume (fact 1). We show that the same liquidity frictions can also explain why at the aggregate level the consumption Euler equation holds for illiquid assets (fact 2), but not for liquid assets (fact 3), provided that the dividend-price ratio is volatile and only weakly predicts near-term dividend growth (in line with Campbell and Shiller (1988) and Cochrane (2008)). An aggregate Euler equation holds for illiquid assets even though each individual household’s consumption behavior is the result of a complex interaction between borrowing constraints, idiosyncratic risks, and aggregate risks. We also show that in spite of these complexities, a simple Consumption CAPM holds in our model, consistent with small risk premia and a flat securities market line (fact 4).
Our results suggest that the return of equities is well explained by aggregate consumption, with a large and time-varying zero-beta rate and a small risk premium, while the return of safe assets mostly reflects a large and volatile liquidity premium.

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