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というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Puzzling Persistence of Financial Crises」で、著者はCharles W. Calomiris(コロンビア大)、Matthew S. Jaremski(ユタ州立大)。

The high social costs of financial crises imply that economists, policymakers, businesses, and households have a tremendous incentive to understand, and try to prevent them. And yet, so far we have failed to learn how to avoid them. In this article, we take a novel approach to studying financial crises. We first build ten case studies of financial crises that stretch over two millennia, and then consider their salient points of differences and commonalities. We see this as the beginning of developing a useful taxonomy of crises – an understanding of the most important factors that reappear across the many examples, which also allows (as in any taxonomy) some examples to be more similar to each other than others. From the perspective of our review of the ten crises, we consider the question of why it has proven so difficult to learn from past crises to avoid future ones.

ungated版は見当たらなかったが、以下は危機が持続する4つの理由を引用したMostly Economicsからの孫引き。

First, it may be that the risks that lead to a crisis have a purpose for those with decision making power, even if those risks and the crises that result from them are harmful to the general population. Political coalitions, after all, receive risk subsidies through their willingness to take on risks.
Second, financial history is replete with examples of new risks, new products, new technologies, new territories whose risks are necessarily unknown. You cannot learn the value of Florida land in 1924 by introspection. And, it was very challenging to learn about aggregate supply and demand for Florida land in real time.
Third, it may be individually worthwhile for individuals to undertake risks because they can act without the knowledge of others (who might otherwise stop them). John Law had a strong vested interest in the upside of the Mississippi Company, but he fled the country once its costs were felt, and thereby avoided those costs.
Fourth, it may be that the financial system and economy as a whole benefit from taking the risks that sometimes lead to crises. England and France began the 17th century in inferior competitive positions to the other powers. The statecraft of employing new innovative financial mechanisms to build trading monopolies, expand tax revenues, create liquid sovereign debt markets and stock exchanges, charter banks, and assemble armies and navies was very risky, but what was the alternative? Nations that failed to compete found themselves acquired by those better able to play the empire building game.
第四に、時には危機に至るリスクを取ることにより、金融システムと経済は全体として便益を得る可能性がある。英国とフランスは、17世紀初めには他の列強よりも相対的に競争力が劣る立場にいた。国政において新規の革新的な金融メカニズムを採用して貿易独占を構築し、税収を伸ばし、流動性のある国債市場と株式取引所を創設し、銀行を設立し、陸海軍を編成することは非常にリスクの高いことであったが、他に選択肢はあっただろうか? 競争に後れを取った国は、帝国構築のゲームに彼らよりも優れた手腕を発揮した国に乗っ取られることになるのである。


Calomiris and Jaremski review ten famous financial crises from ancient Rome through the present and find four common factors: politically motivated subsidies, changes in investor preferences towards risk, unsophisticated investors, and fraud.
Charles Calomaris and Matthew Jaremski note that financial crises are very costly to the economy, involving average declines of 5.5% of real GDP and much larger declines when financial distress culminates into a full scale crisis, as well as median fiscal costs of 16% of real GDP associated with resolution of distressed banks. Why is it so hard for us to learn from the past and avoid the severe costs that attend these events? The authors find four broad categories of causal factors: 1) politically motivated risk subsidies that skew incentives such as government subsidizing risks related to housing credit. 2) changes in investor preferences towards risk. It may be that the financial system and economy as a whole benefit from taking the risks that sometimes lead to crises. 3) learning by more and less sophisticated investors and 4) fraud.
チャールズ・カロミリスとマシュー・ジャレムスキは、金融危機は経済にとって非常に高く付き、実質GDPは平均して5.5%低下するが、金融不況が完全な危機に発展した場合には低下幅はもっと大きくなり、また、破綻した銀行の解決には平均して実質GDPの16%の財政コストが掛かる、と述べている。過去から学んでそうした出来事に伴う多大なコストを回避することがなぜこれほど難しいのか? 著者たちは、要因が4つに大別されることを見い出した:1) 住宅融資関連のリスクに対して政府が補助金を出すといった、インセンティブを歪めるような、政治的に動機付けられたリスクへの補助金。2) リスクへの投資家の選好の変化。時には危機に至るリスクを取ることにより、金融システムと経済は全体として便益を得る可能性がある。3) 賢さに差がある投資家による学習、および、4) 詐欺。





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