アセモグルの最近のNBER論文はなるべく紹介するようにしてきたつもりだが、昨年9月の表題の論文(ungated版)が抜けていたので紹介してみる。原題は「Climate Change, Directed Innovation, and Energy Transition: The Long-run Consequences of the Shale Gas Revolution」で、著者はDaron Acemoglu(MIT)、Philippe Aghion(コレージュ・ド・フランス)、Lint Barrage(チューリッヒ工科大学)、David Hémous(チューリッヒ大学)。
We investigate the short- and long-term effects of a natural gas boom in an economy where energy can be produced with coal, natural gas, or clean sources and the direction of technology is endogenous. In the short run, a natural gas boom reduces carbon emissions by inducing substitution away from coal. Yet, the natural gas boom discourages innovation directed at clean energy, which delays and can even permanently prevent the energy transition to zero carbon. We formalize and quantitatively evaluate these forces using a benchmark model of directed technical change for the energy sector. Quantitatively, the technology response to the shale gas boom results in a significant increase in emissions as the US economy is pushed into a “fossil-fuel trap” where long-run innovations shift away from renewables. Overall, the shale gas boom reduces our measure of social welfare under laissez-faire, whereas, combined with carbon taxes and more generous green subsidies, it could have increased welfare substantially.
Finally, we note that the lessons of our model may be relevant to other “intermediate solutions” to the energy transition problem. Several of the proposed solutions, including biofuels, fission nuclear energy or geoengineering, also raise the possibility of other types of environmental damages, and a more general model incorporating different types of environmental externalities may be necessary to study their long-run implications. More generally, our analysis suggests that the use of natural gas as a solution to the climate change challenge may have much in common with other historical episodes that accidentally but permanently directed innovation toward potentially inefficient solutions. Examples may include the use of a uranium cycle instead of a thorium cycle in nuclear fission, or Henry Ford’s technology choices for mass production which enabled internal combustion engines to replace early electric vehicles. Developing models for the study of the short-run vs. long-run trade-offs when technology can be directed to different technology classes or platforms is another major area of research.