という論陣を元ドイツ連銀総裁イェンス・ヴァイトマンが張っている(H/T Mostly Economics;リンク先はディ・ヴェルト日曜版*1掲載論説のOMFIFによる英語翻訳・編集版)。原題は「Big ECB balance sheet is a source of risk not stability」で、著者はJens WeidmannとJörg Krämer(いずれもコメルツ銀)。
It is not justifiable to argue that a permanently large ECB balance sheet and high surplus liquidity are needed to maintain bank lending to companies and households. Reducing long-term ECB refinancing instruments with favourable interest rates for banks that meet certain lending requirements may initially lead to somewhat lower loan volumes. But in the medium term, banks can switch to other sources of financing such as bank bonds, which incidentally strengthens competition in the banking sector. With well-functioning capital markets, profitable investment opportunities will always attract sufficient capital.
The arguments in favour of a large ECB balance sheet with high excess liquidity are not convincing. The ECB should gradually return to a balance sheet that provides the banking system with a sufficient volume of assets needed for efficient functioning.
An intelligent mix of refinancing transactions with different maturities, combined with a complete dismantling of bond holdings, could bring the Eurosystem balance sheet to the right level. Commercial banks would gradually become reaccustomed to a world without abundant excess liquidity. The financial sector needs the discipline of market forces. A decade and a half after the financial crisis, the ECB should return to greater normality.
*1:cf. ディ・ヴェルト - Wikipedia。
*2:債券保有については、論説の中段で、「Put differently: long-term bonds on the assets side of its balance sheet are balanced by short-term interest-bearing surplus reserves. Owing to this maturity mismatch, which did not exist before the bond purchases, a tightening of monetary policy leads to high losses, as is currently the case at the Bundesbank. These losses are ultimately passed on to taxpayers through the lack of central bank profits. The monetary policy debate can then become unhealthily politicised.(拙訳:別の言い方をすれば、ECBのバランスシートの資産側の長期債は、短期の利子が付く余剰準備でバランスしているのだ。債券購入前には存在していなかったこの満期のミスマッチにより、金融政策の引き締めは、現在のブンデスバンクがそうであるように、大きな損失につながる。この損失は、中銀の利益の欠落を通じて最終的には納税者の負担となる。そのため金融政策の議論は、不健全な形で政治的なものとなり得る。)」と中銀の独立性が脅かされることへの懸念を表明している。