というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「What Drives the Exchange Rate?」で、著者はOleg Itskhoki(UCLA)、Dmitry Mukhin(LSE)。
We use a general open-economy wedge-accounting framework to characterize the set of shocks that can account for major exchange rate puzzles. Focusing on a near-autarky behavior of the economy, we show analytically that all standard macroeconomic shocks — including productivity, monetary, government spending, and markup shocks — are inconsistent with the broad properties of the macro exchange rate disconnect. News shocks about future macroeconomic fundamentals can generate plausible exchange rate properties. However, they show up prominently in contemporaneous asset prices, which violates the finance exchange rate disconnect. International shocks to trade costs, terms of trade and import demand, while potentially consistent with disconnect, do not robustly generate the empirical Backus-Smith, UIP and terms-of-trade properties. In contrast, the observed exchange rate behavior is consistent with risk-sharing (financial) shocks that arise from shifts in demand of foreign investors for home-currency assets, or vice versa.
要は、マクロ経済と為替の分断や、資産価格と為替の分断、さらにはフォワード・プレミアム・パズル*3などの為替に纏わるパズル*4を、閉鎖経済における極限を足掛かりに解こうとした論文のようである。経済制裁と債務不履行と通貨 - himaginary’s diaryや最適為替相場政策 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したようにこの著者のコンビは為替の理論的分析の論文を最近出しており、今後も研究の進展が期待される。
*2:cf. これ。WPはConsumption and Real Exchange Rates in Dynamic Economies with Non-Traded Goods - CORE Reader。
*4:論文の冒頭では次のようにそれらのパズルを紹介している:「First, the Meese and Rogo (1983) puzzle that nominal exchange rates follow a volatile near-random-walk process and are not robustly correlated, even contemporaneously, with macroeconomic fundamentals. Second, the PPP puzzle with real exchange rates moving almost one-to-one at most frequencies with nominal exchange rates (Rogo 1996). Third, the Backus and Smith (1993) puzzle that emphasizes a negative correlation between exchange rates and relative consumption which is at odds with the standard risk-sharing logic. Fourth, the forward premium puzzle about the deviations from the uncovered interest parity (UIP, Fama 1984). Finally, the financial disconnect puzzle that emphasizes the lack of comovement between exchange rates and asset prices (see e.g. Brandt, Cochrane, and Santa-Clara 2006).」