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というNBER論文をGorodnichenko=Coibionらが上げているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人(Coibion)のページ)。原題は「Lifetime Memories of Inflation: Evidence from Surveys and the Lab」で、著者はIsabelle Salle(オタワ大)、Yuriy Gorodnichenko(UCバークレー)、Olivier Coibion(テキサス大オースティン校)。

We study how individuals’ memories of inflation shape their expectations about future inflation using both surveys and laboratory experiments. Recalling having lived through prior disinflations has pronounced effects on how long-lived people expect the current inflation episode to last. Information treatments in which we show people prior disinflationary experiences similarly strongly reduce inflation expectations of individuals on average and are often recalled as inflation memories months later. We also show that when people try to forecast inflation in the lab, the inflation dynamics in the game can affect their beliefs much like the inflation experienced in real life. Methodologically, we compare and contrast surveys and lab experiments and discuss the pros and cons of each method, emphasizing the general consistency across the two methodologies.

ちなみにハト派、タカ派、中間派の人格形成 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したボルドーの研究では、FOMCメンバーの投票態度が過去のインフレ体験に影響されることを示している。
また、まだ知らないことを教えて:低インフレと高インフレ環境での学習 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した、Gorodnichenko=Coibionが共著者に名を連ねている研究(今回の論文でも参照されている)では、情報の処置の効果は経済環境に依存することが示されている*2。同研究でも今回の研究でも事前分布が無情報なほど情報の処置の影響を受けやすいことを示しているので、ボルドーの研究で取り上げられたFOMCメンバーなどの専門家に対しては、情報の処置を施す実験を行っても効果は乏しそうである。

*1:本文では「In the case of the “flat” treatment in which individuals observed the relatively stable inflation of the 2003-2012 period, we find that respondents in that treatment are less likely to subsequently report recalling any inflation surge or disinflation prior to 2020, although the effects are not generally statistically significant. The most powerful treatment in terms of shaping perceived experiences is the “down” treatment which covered the period from 1977-88 in which inflation was initially quite high but then fell rapidly. We find that playing the forecasting game during this period made individuals more likely in subsequent months to recall both inflation surges and disinflations, with the effect for disinflations being particularly strong for young survey participants whereas the effect on recalled inflation surges is similar across age groups. Playing the “up” treatment had effects somewhere in between these two treatments. That treatment covered a period of rising inflation but did not include any meaningful disinflation during that sample. As a result, we find that having played through the “up” treatment makes individuals more likely to recall prior inflation surge experiences but no more likely to recall prior disinflations.」と記述されている。

*2:これはそこそこのインフレを引き下げる最も簡単な方法 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したクルーグマンのブラックジョークと通底する話である。

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