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というIMF論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「The Economic Consequences of Social Unrest: Evidence from Initial Public Offerings」で、著者はPhilip Barrett(IMF)、Thomas J. Boulton(マイアミ大)、Terry D. Nixon(同)。

Prior research attributes negative stock market performance following episodes of social unrest to elevated uncertainty. However, social unrest does not solely increase uncertainty, but separately acts to decrease investor sentiment. To determine which effect dominates, we study initial public offering (IPO) underpricing, which responds differently to changes to uncertainty and investor sentiment. Consistent with the notion that social unrest dampens investor sentiment, we find robust evidence that IPO first-day returns are lower during times of greater social unrest. Limits to arbitrage intensify the negative relation between social unrest and underpricing. Notably, strong institutional frameworks mitigate the impact of social unrest on underpricing, suggesting that quality institutions weaken the link between investor sentiment and returns.

 Underpricing = (First-day closing price – IPO offer price) / IPO offer price

「Ljungqvist et al. (2006) suggest that underpricing compensates investors who receive IPO allocations for the possibility that investor sentiment changes before they can sell their shares in the aftermarket. Consequently, we would expect a positive relation between investor sentiment and underpricing as an increase in investor sentiment during the first trading day would result in a greater increase to the stock closing price on day one. However, if social unrest lowers investor sentiment, the opposite should be true. In such cases, IPOs that take place during periods of unrest should exhibit lower first-day returns. Theory predicts that increased uncertainty has the opposite effect. When uncertainty is high, the incentive to gather information increases, which exacerbates information disparities among IPO participants. This leads to the prediction of a positive association between social unrest and first-day returns, as unrest magnifies uncertainty and necessitates greater underpricing to mitigate risks.」

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