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というNBER論文をサマーズらが上げている(H/T サマーズがRTしたNBERツイートタイラー・コーエン昨年10月時点のまとめ記事&WP*1)。原題は「Technological Disruption in the Labor Market」で、著者はDavid J. Deming、Christopher Ong、Lawrence H. Summers(いずれもハーバード大)。

This paper explores past episodes of technological disruption in the US labor market, with the goal of learning lessons about the likely future impact of artificial intelligence (AI). We measure changes in the structure of the US labor market going back over a century. We find, perhaps surprisingly, that the pace of change has slowed over time. The years spanning 1990 to 2017 were less disruptive than any prior period we measure, going back to 1880. This comparative decline is not because the job market is stable today but rather because past changes were so profound. General-purpose technologies (GPTs) like steam power and electricity dramatically disrupted the twentieth-century labor market, but the changes took place over decades. We argue that AI could be a GPT on the scale of prior disruptive innovations, which means it is likely too early to assess its full impacts. Nonetheless, we present four indications that the pace of labor market change has accelerated recently, possibly due to technological change. First, the labor market is no longer polarizing— employment in low- and middle-paid occupations has declined, while highly paid employment has grown. Second, employment growth has stalled in low-paid service jobs. Third, the share of employment in STEM jobs has increased by more than 50 percent since 2010, fueled by growth in software and computer-related occupations. Fourth, retail sales employment has declined by 25 percent in the last decade, likely because of technological improvements in online retail. The post-pandemic labor market is changing very rapidly, and a key question is whether this faster pace of change will persist into the future.

自動化と二極化 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文でアセモグルは、自動化は雇用と賃金の二極化をもたらした後、最終的には賃金の二極化ではなく技能プレミアムの単調な増加をもたらす、と論じたが、この論文によるとあるいは米国ではその最終フェーズに移行しつつあるのかもしれない。
「人手不足」は本当か?データからわかる現実とは 労働市場に低待遇で舞い戻ってくる人々の存在 | ニュース・リポート | 東洋経済オンラインでの斉藤誠氏の指摘によると、日本はマクロでは人手不足とは言えない、とのことだが、氏がそこで論じている非労働力人口と失業人口の間の行き来とは別に(あるいはそれと関連して)、業種ないし職種によって人手不足の状況が違うというまだら模様が日本の労働市場の現状を見えにくくしているように思われる。もし日本でも現在人手不足の業種・職種のうちとりわけ低賃金の職で自動化が進んだら、米国と同様に高賃金の雇用だけが伸びていく、という状況がはっきりしてくるのかもしれない。


*2:cf. 破壊的技術 - Wikipedia

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