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というNBER論文が上がっているungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Reserve Asset Competition and the Global Fiscal Cycle」で、著者はZhengyang Jiang(ノースウエスタン大)、Robert J. Richmond(NYU)。

Governments tend to increase their borrowing at the same time, giving rise to a global fiscal cycle. This global fiscal cycle has a large component that is unexplained by global business cycle variables. We propose a novel explanation for the emergence of the global fiscal cycle: governments' competition over the provision of reserve assets gives rise to strategic complementarity in the issuances, even when the reserve assets are substitutes in partial equilibrium. We show our reserve-asset-competition channel explains economically significant common variation in fiscal variables, beyond the common variation induced by correlated business cycles. In doing so, our model of reserve asset demand and supply also shines light on the sources of variation in the convenience yields and seigniorage revenues earned on government debt.


  1. 不況時の安全への逃避により準備資産への需要が高まり、それがコンビニエンスイールドを引き上げ、政府が有利な条件で資金を調達する誘因となる。
  2. 各国の景気循環は相関しているが、不況に陥ると、債務の追加発行による財政コストと比べた拡張的な財政政策の限界効用が高まるため、相関のある景気循環が相関のある債務発行を生み出す。

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