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というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T タイラー・コーエン)。原題は「The Law of Small Numbers in Financial Markets: Theory and Evidence」で、著者はLawrence J. Jin(コーネル大)、Cameron Peng(LSE)。

A belief in the law of small numbers, a prominent type of incorrect belief, has received wide support from experimental and field studies. In this paper, we incorporate it into a tractable equilibrium asset pricing model. We study the implications of the LSN for trading behavior and asset prices.
We show that the LSN beliefs helps explain the coexistence of the disposition effect and return extrapolation: investors sell assets whose prices have recently gone up, but they buy assets whose prices have gone up for multiple periods in a row. The LSN beliefs also give rise to short-term momentum, long-term reversals, and excess volatility. Moreover, the model makes additional predictions: the disposition effect is more pronounced over shorter holding periods; investors exhibit “doubling down” in their buying behavior; investors who exhibit a stronger “doubling down” pattern in buying behavior also exhibit a stronger disposition effect; and trading responses to past returns vary significantly with investors’ degree of the LSN beliefs. We empirically test and confirm each of these predictions using account-level transaction data.
Our model makes predictions about both asset prices and investor behavior. The current paper tests the model’s predictions about investor behavior. In Appendix J, we provide a preliminary empirical test of the model prediction that stocks associated with more pronounced LSN beliefs—stocks with a higher α or a higher δ—should exhibit both stronger short-term momentum and stronger long-term reversals. We find supportive evidence that stocks traded more by LSN investors do experiences stronger momentum and reversals. Future research can explore the model’s asset pricing predictions more thoroughly, both in time-series and cross-sectional analyses.

*1:cf. 少数の法則【law of small numbers】 | ブランディング ナレッジベースSINCE.心理学用語「少数の法則」とは?意味と具体例をわかりやすく解説 – スッキリ少数の法則とは何か-人は大数の法則を無視する-。論文ではLSNと略記されている。

*2:cf. Disposition effect - Wikipediaディスポジション効果 | みずほ証券 ファイナンス用語集


と表され、右辺第一項は「perceived by LSN investors to be a standard i.i.d. shock」、第二項は「perceived price innovations from the past」と説明されている。αとδについては「Parameter α measures the strength of the gambler’s fallacy: a larger α means a stronger belief in trend reversion. Parameter δ measures the relative weight put on recent versus distant past realizations of d˜ωPs : a larger δ implies higher relative weight placed on recent realizations, in which case perceived trend reversion applies primarily to recent trends as opposed to longer-term trends.」と説明されている(イタリック体は原文)。

の右辺第二項における更新項[innovation component]である。

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