というBISレポートをMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Monetary policy, financial conditions and real activity: is this time different?」で、著者は同行のFernando Avalos、Deniz Igan、Cristina Manea、Richhild Moessner。
- During the current monetary policy tightening episode, financial conditions co-moved closely with policy rates, especially in the initial stages but with some differentiation across countries.
- For advanced economies, the tightening of financial conditions was stronger this time than in the past, while its full impact on real activity appears to be taking longer than usual.
- Financial conditions may continue tightening long after central banks stop raising policy rates, with possible implications for financial stability.
The pass-through of monetary policy tightening to financial conditions is in train, and the full impact of tighter monetary policy on activity and inflation appears still to lie ahead. What challenges then loom for monetary policy?
In one scenario, a soft landing is achieved. Households, firms and sovereigns adjust to higher funding costs. The buffers in place smooth the transition. Weakness in manufacturing and trade dissipates.
In an alternative scenario, tighter financial conditions bite more abruptly, probably after the buffers are depleted. Real activity slows sharply, accompanied by credit losses, defaults and bankruptcies.
The inflation path remains critical for which of these outcomes transpires. A steady disinflation would increase the probability of a soft landing. A more stubborn one would increase that of stagflation, especially if energy prices were to flare up again.