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というブルッキングス研究所論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「The Evolution of Banking in the 21st Century: Evidence and Regulatory Implications」で、著者はSamuel G. Hanson、Victoria Ivashina、Laura Nicolae、Jeremy C. Stein、Adi Sunderam、Daniel K. Tarullo(いずれもハーバード大)。

As revealed by the failures of three regional banks in the spring of 2023, bank runs are not a thing of the past. To inform the ongoing discussion of the appropriate regulatory response, we examine trends in the banking industry over the last twenty-five years. On the liability side of bank balance sheets, deposits—and especially uninsured deposits—have grown rapidly. On the asset side, there has been a notable shift away from the information-intensive lending traditionally associated with banks and towards longer-term securities such as MBS and long-term Treasuries. These trends appear to be related, in the sense that banks with the most rapid growth in deposits have seen the biggest declines in loans as a share of assets. Thus, while the banks that failed in early 2023 were arguably extreme cases, they reflect broader trends, especially among larger banks. We construct a simple model to help assess the main regulatory options to reduce the risk of destabilizing bank runs—expanding deposit insurance and strengthening liquidity regulation— and argue that the industry trends we document favor the latter option. Using the model, we offer some design considerations for modifying the Liquidity Coverage Ratio so as to require banks to pre-position sufficient collateral—largely in the form of short-term government securities—at the Federal Reserve’s Discount Window to ensure they have enough liquidity to withstand a run on their uninsured deposits. We also comment briefly on some other regulatory implications of our findings, including for interest rate risk regulation and merger policy.

銀行のバランスシートにおける融資のウエイトの低下を論じたという点では、バランスシート融資の長期的低下 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文と共通のテーマを扱っていると言えそうである。ただ、そちらの論文が、証券化を通じた融資に銀行は舵を切った、と論じているのに対し、今回の論文では、そちらの論文が対象とした過去約50年のうちの後半の期間では、証券化を通じた融資への移行の勢いが鈍っていることも同論文では示されている、と指摘している(これは2008年以降の銀行の規制強化が一因とのことだが、そうした規制強化に重要な役割を果たしたタルーロ*5が今回の論文の著者の一人であることを考えると皮肉な感じもする)。今回の論文が21世紀に入ってからの傾向としてそれよりも重視しているのは、信用リスクはほぼ無いが金利リスクの大きい国債MBSに地銀がシフトした点である。

*1:ブルッキングス研究所の紹介記事では「To reduce the risk of runs, the authors looked at expanding federal deposit insurance to cover all or most deposits. But that expansion of the government’s footprint would increase taxpayer exposure and could weaken banks’ incentives to guard against risk. Also, in the case of banks that have shifted away from lending, it would in effect subsidize bond holding rather than lending.」と述べている。

*2:cf. 流動性カバレッジ比率|証券用語解説集|野村證券

*3:ブルッキングス研究所の紹介記事では「That requirement would enable them to withstand a run by borrowing from the Fed’s discount window and would encourage them to shift their asset-mix away from longer-term securities and toward short-term securities, which are much less subject to interest-rate risk.」と述べている。

*4:ブルッキングス研究所の紹介記事では「The authors also recommend that regulators re-think rules that, except for the eight largest U.S. banks, shield regulatory capital from reflecting most market losses on the securities banks hold. And, the authors recommend that regulators “look more positively on proposed mergers of mid-size regionals and on acquisitions of smaller banks by mid-sized regionals.” That could either help regionals to better compete with the largest banks or could aid in wringing out excess capacity to the extent that the business model of the regionals continues to be under pressure.」と述べている。

*5:cf. サマーズ銀行危機を語る - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したタルーロ評。一方、FRBの何が問題か? - himaginary’s diaryで間接的に紹介したハッフィントン記事では辛口の評価が下されている。

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