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という、トランプ減税(Tax Cuts and Jobs Act=TCJA)の効果を改めて評価したNBER論文をOwen Zidarらが上げているungated版へのリンクがあるZidarのページプリンストン大の紹介記事)。原題は「Tax Policy and Investment in a Global Economy」で、著者はGabriel Chodorow-Reich(ハーバード大)、Matthew Smith(米財務省)、Owen M. Zidar(プリンストン大)、Eric Zwick(シカゴ大)。

We evaluate the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Combining reduced-form estimates from tax data with a global investment model, we estimate responses, identify parameters, and conduct counterfactuals. Domestic investment of firms with the mean tax change increases 20% versus a no-change baseline. Due to novel foreign incentives, foreign capital of U.S. multinationals rises substantially. These incentives also boost domestic investment, indicating complementarity between domestic and foreign capital. In the model, the long-run effect on domestic capital in general equilibrium is 7% and the tax revenue feedback from growth offsets only 2p.p. of the direct cost of 41% of pre-TCJA corporate revenue.


To reduce the budgetary cost of the bill, the TCJA legislated many corporate provisions to expire. While the tax rate cut from 35% to 21% was made permanent, other key provisions are approaching expiration. For example, the law allows corporations to deduct (or expense) 100% of their investment for qualified property for the first five years, followed by a phase-out of expensing of 20 percentage points per year.
The researchers find that some of the expired and expiring provisions, such as accelerated depreciation, generate more investment per dollar of tax revenue than do other provisions in the bill. This finding can help inform corporate tax reform discussions in 2025.
The findings suggest that a revenue-neutral reform that paid for extending accelerated depreciation by raising statutory corporate tax rates would boost investment. Moreover, for those who want to increase investment incentives, the findings suggest that they will get more bang for the buck by extending accelerated depreciation than by lowering corporate tax rates further. And, for those who want to increase tax revenue, the findings suggest that they will get smaller declines in capital accumulation if they focus on rate increases than on reduced investment incentives like accelerated depreciation.

*1:本文の導入部では次のように説明している:「We incorporate two main foreign provisions in TCJA. First, TCJA moved the U.S. from a global system, in which a U.S. corporation would pay U.S. taxes when repatriating foreign source income, to a territorial system, in which the U.S. corporate rate only applies to domestic source income. Second, to discourage the location of intangible capital abroad, the TCJA introduced a minimum tax of 10.5% on Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI). The GILTI tax applies to foreign income exceeding 10% of foreign tangible capital, if that income would otherwise face a sufficiently low tax rate. The 10% deduction in GILTI increases the effective Γ~ for firms subject to it. Under the plausible assumption that firms expected a transition regime or tax holiday (as in 2004) with a marginal tax rate equal to the GILTI rate, our preferred measure of τ~ is unchanged for all firms.」(ここでΓ~は海外投資への補助金、τ~は海外を源泉とする所得への税率)。


*3:この文の後半は意味が取りにくいが、導入部では「higher depreciation deductions largely offset additional labor and corporate tax revenue from capital accumulation. As a result, the total effect on tax revenue over ten years, which includes dynamic feedback from growth, is within 2p.p. of the mechanical effect of a 41% decline in corporate tax collections.」と説明している。プリンストン大紹介記事では「while the TJCA did boost domestic corporate investment, the law’s overall feedback effects on corporate tax revenue have been small because the gains from additional investment have been offset by the losses from more generous investment incentives. Ultimately, the researchers show that the TCJA had substantial negative effects on corporate tax revenue. Modeling the dynamic effects (those effects that take into account the potential for economic growth as a result of the law) of the TCJA on corporate tax revenue, the researchers find that TCJA’s revenue effects in the first 10 years average less than 2% of pre-TCJA corporate tax revenue per year. That’s a roughly 41% decline in corporate tax collections over the ten-year period.」と説明している。

*4:cf. The TCJA 100% bonus depreciation starts to phase out after 2022 | Our Insights | Plante Moran

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