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というNBER論文が上がっているungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「What about Japan?」で、著者はYi-Li Chien(セントルイス連銀)、Harold L. Cole(ペンシルベニア大)、Hanno Lustig(スタンフォード大)。

As a result of the BoJ’s large-scale asset purchases, the consolidated Japanese government borrows mostly at the floating rate from households and invests in longer-duration risky assets to earn an extra 3% of GDP. We quantify the impact of Japan’s low-rate policies on its government and households. Because of the duration mismatch on the government balance sheet, the government’s fiscal space expands when real rates decline, allowing the government to keep its promises to older Japanese households. A typical younger Japanese household does not have enough duration in its portfolio to continue to finance its spending plan and will be worse off. Low-rate policies tax younger, poorer and less financially sophisticated households.


1/Whenever you bring up fiscal sustainability, you’ll get questions about Japan. Japan is not in the r < g region. Since 1997, the real return on Japanese government debt has exceeded the growth rate by 1.2%.
2/So, we decided to dig into the Japanese case by consolidating the public sector's balance sheet. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4620159
3/📣This investment strategy has allowed the government to earn more than 3% of GDP from its risky investments. The Japanese public sector is harvesting risk premia to help finance its deficits.
4 /At the end of 2021, the consolidated government, including the pension fund and the BoJ , had liabilities of more than 3 times GDP that are mostly short in duration: 101% of GDP in reserves held at BoJ, another 23% of GDP in cash and another 144% in Bonds and T-bills.
5/The government's risky assets, totaling around 200% of GDP, have much higher duration. The Japanese government invests 1/3 of GDP in domestic equities, and more than 1/2 of GDP in foreign securities, including equities, and another 14% in domestic bonds.


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